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Creative Guitar Tuning

Sonic Youth was an American rock band based in New York City, formed in 1981 with strong influences from the Velvet Underground and the Ramons. Founding members Thurston Moore, Kim Gordon and Lee Ranaldo. Sonic Youth is considered a pioneering band in the noise rock and alternative rock genres. Their music has also been labelled experimental rock, indie rock and post-punk.

The following links demonstrate how they got their sound and their interesting usage of guitar tunings. Notice for certain songs different guitars are tuned differently but still harmonise. How much time was spent working out these guitar parts and tuning to them?

FenderPlay.com dec 2019 FenderPlay feature the unique approach to the guitar Thurston Moore took.
FenderPlay – Thuhrston Moore

Reverb.com investigate some of the pedals and tunings used by Sonic Youth to get their unique sound.
Interesting guitar tunings – Soinic Youth