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DO MUSOPIA APPS – Keep beginners engaged?

Similarly to Fenders “Digital Campaign” to address the “drop out rate” other brands are also looking towards digital applications to enhance user experience to maintain engagement.

Are digital campaigns going to produce results? It will be interesting to see how the music industry and digitalization mesh.

MUSOPIA APPS KEEP BEGINNERS ENGAGED INDUSTRY LEADERS including Yamaha, Ibanez, Kala Brand, and Little Kids Rock have joined forces with app specialist Musopia to offer personalized learning tools to their customers. With its digital learning solutions, Musopia addresses one of the industry’s most stubborn challenges: beginning players who quit in frustration. Estimates quoted by Musopia suggest that if early abandonment could be reduced by just 10%, the M.I. industry could ultimately double in size.
Musopia’s approach offers a highly personalized and engaging musical experience, allowing beginners to start playing popular songs immediately and enjoy near-instant gratification. For more experienced players, Musopia’s suite of apps offer more advanced chord progressions from a digital library of nearly 2,000 fully licensed hit songs from top artists ranging from Adele and Ed Sheeran to Clapton and Coldplay. Each song offers varying chord options based on skill level, plus embedded video learning tutorials and an intelligent “listening” feature that provides detailed personalized feedback, telling users which chords they are playing perfectly and which need more work.
In addition to customized learning tools, music companies that partner with Musopia gain access to demographic and psychographic consumer data, penetrating insights into consumer behaviour, and unique opportunities to identify and engage directly with targeted consumer segments.

